Swimming Pool Liner Replacement, Benalmadena, Malaga
Swimming Pool Liner Replacement, Benalmadena, Malaga
This small splash pool is actually a prefabricated fibreglass pool, but around 15 years ago it was <badly> converted to being a liner pool, because of problems with the fibre glass shell.
The fibreglass walls of the pool had bulged out and cracked, so they had to be cut out and the areas filled with concrete. Some areas of the pool had been repaired with resin and chopped glass matt.
The new owner has decided to replace the liner, to make this little swimming pool perfect again.
This colour is “Marble” from the Renolit AlkorPlan 3000 range.
We can line virtually any swimming pool to either refurbish them quickly or solve leaks in the structure of the pool.

Swimming Pool Liner replacement, Benalmadena

Swimming Pool refurbishment, Benalmadena

Fibreglass Swimming Pool Renovation and repairs, Benalmadena

Renolit Swimming Pool Liners, Benalmadena

Swimming pool reform, Benalmadena

Repairs to fibre glass swimming pool

Polyester swimming pool repair

Renolit AlkorPlan blue marbel

Renolit Installers Benalmadena, Malaga