Pool Renovation, Hotel Finca la Guzmana, Ronda, Malaga

This was a total renovation of a swimming pool in a hotel in Ronda. For commercial applications, it is important that the finish is of the highest quality with guaranteed assurance that it won’t leak. Renolit AlkorPlan liners are the number 1 choice for commercial applications, but are equally good in your home pool.

This pool was leaking through cracks in the structure. These cracks had been badly repaired. Repairs to cracks in swimming pools rarely work. The pool has a painted finish and did not fit with the high quality image of the rest of the hotel.

This swimming pool is 25m long and 5m wide, so it was a considerable amount of work, but still only took our team a week. Installation of the liner is a lot more economical than other finishes.

We installed 5 new lights, all with LED bulbs.

The swimming pool liner guarantees that the pool will not leak, as you can see the finish looks great and will give many years of service. It is a pool that clients will remember for a long time.

Hotel Pool Renovation

Hotel Pool Renovation, using Renolit AlkorPlan liner, Ronda Malaga

Hotel swimming pool repair

Repairing cracked hotel swimming pool, Ronda, Malaga

Renolit AlkorPlan, Ronda, Malaga

Installing Renolit AlkorPlan pool liner, Malaga

Pool Liner installation, Ronda

Pool Liner installation, Ronda, Finca la Guzmana

Finished liner, Malaga

Finished liner, Malaga. Cracked hotel pool

If your pool in Ronda needs renovation, let us know! It is best to plan pool works after summer, not 2 weeks before the guests arrive!