Swimming pool repair and renovation works, Riviera, Mijas
Swimming pool repair and renovation works, Riviera, Mijas.
This swimming pool situated between Calahonda and Mijas had problems with the glass mosaic tiles falling off. This was mostly due to poor maintenance. The pool had been allowed to go green and hadn’t been looked after. Calcium deposits on the walls were very bad, so too much acid was added to the water to try and dissolve it, however it just resulted in the grout and tile adhesives dissolving, causing the tiles to fall off.
Good maintenance is the key to keeping any pool in good order. Keep the water balanced and test the chemicals regularly.
We stripped off the areas of tiles that were most affected. Other areas were solid, so were rendered. The inside of the pool was then covered in a layer of render to give a uniform surface. Normally the Renolit AlkorPlan membrane would be installed directly over the tiles.
The reinforced pool liner is installed into the pool in just a few days, giving a smooth, easy care finish. In this case we used Persia Blue with contrasting white steps.
Reinforced pool liners are the ideal solution for the quick renovation of a swimming pool. It is the perfect solution for cracked or leaking swimming pool structures.
If you are planning works to your swimming pool, the best time of year is autumn or winter, when you are not using the pool, not a few weeks before the guests arrive!

Swimming pool works, Riviera, Mijas

Swimming pool refurbishment, Riviera

Swimming pool tiling

Pool renovation works

Pool repairs, Mijas