Brand New Pool Construction, Barbate, Cadiz
A complete swimming pool build in Barbate.
The swimming pool has been built from sprayed concrete with steel reinforcing. The walls were rendered glass smooth, ready for the liner as the final finish. Inside the pool, we have also constructed benches as seating, giving the clients a place to relax in the swimming pool with a cold drink!
The capping is cast white concrete, a non slip finish, which is cool underfoot in Summer.
The total construction time for this project was 2.5 weeks, from breaking ground to filling the pool.
The Dutch client chose to the Renolit AlkorPlan lining, because of it’s low maintenance and guaranteed waterproof qualities. In most of Europe, an AlkorPlan liner is the default choice for a pool finish.
Later, the garden landscaping company will finish the garden with new turf and plants.
If you are thinking of building a pool, the planning needs to be started in September as the permissions etc need to be applied for. There’s no point waiting until 3 weeks before you are planning to use it!

Pool Lining, Light Blue. Brand new build

Construction of steps and seating inside the pool structure

Swimming pool structure nearing completion

Steel cage inside swimming pool

Swimming pool construction, Barbate, Cadiz

Detail of shuttering before concrete is sprayed