Cracked swimming pool renovation & repair, Comares, Malaga
Cracked swimming pool renovation & repair, Comares, Malaga. The village of Comares near Casabermeja and Rio Gordo, is nestled high in the hills above Malaga. The nature of the terrain, can make the building of swimming pols challenging.
Many pools are built on reclaimed land, where the hole for the pool has been excavated into the hillside and then half of the pool is built on the spoil dug out of the side of the hill. In this case, we believe that the swimming pool was built on the spoil dug out from the house.
The pool was very neglected and had been left empty for some time. The floor of the pool was cracked and generally the pool just needed to be refurbished to look its best.
We installed the highly versatile CARRARA, form the Renolit AlkorPlan 3000 range, with white non slip steps.
The installation took our highly skilled team 2 days.
If you are thinking of renovating your pool, contact us today to see what we can do for you. The best time to renovate your pool is now, when you are not using it.

Carrara pool liner

Comares pool repairs

Pool repair Rio Gordo

Pool Renovation, Casabermeja

Cracked pool repair

Pool leak, Comares