Repairs to a cracked, leaking swimming pool, Gaucin, Malaga

This renovation of a cracked and leaking swimming pool has transformed the pool from a headache to the owners pride and joy.

After leaking for several years and having several poor repairs made to the cracks, the owner contacted us, so that we could install the fantastic Renolit AlkorPlan reinforced liner, giving a guaranteed solution against leaks.

The cause of the leaks here was obvious to us. Once the pool was emptied, it was clear to see that the structure of the pool was riddled with cracks. Once a pool structure cracks, it is very very difficult to repair with traditional methods.

The reinforced membrane we install stretches without breaking, due to the polymer fibres in the laminate.

The first step of the installation is to change or adapt all the fittings to be compatible with the liner system. Jets, drains, lights are broken out and replaced. Skimmers are adapted by bonding in a special mouth, supplied by Renolit.

Once this remedial work is done, we install the reinforced pool liner by heat welding. As you can see the result looks great and will last for many years.

Gaucin pool repair

Repairs and renovation of leaking swimming pool, Gaucin

Cracked pool repair, Gaucin

Cracked pool repaired with reinforced liner, Gaucin, Malaga

Renolit swimming pool liner installation, Gaucin

Renolit swimming pool liner installation, Gaucin

Swimming pool renovation

Swimming pool renovation and repair of leaking pool shell

White Renolit Pool Liner

White swimming pool reinforced liner, Gaucin

Swimming pool works, Gaucin

Swimming pool works, Gaucin

Cracked and leaking swimming pool, Gaucin

Cracked and leaking swimming pool, Gaucin

We install swimming pool liners throughout mainland Spain and Portugal (islands by request).

If you are considering work on your swimming pool, the best time of year to do it, is when you are not using the pool. So plan for Autumn or Winter installations, don’t leave it until Spring, as the visitors start to arrive. Even though the installations are quick, there can be unforeseen issues or a backlog of work. So don’t delay, contact us today!