Cracked and leaking swimming pool renovation, Benalmadena
Cracked and leaking swimming pool renovation, Benalmadena
Another typical example of a very old swimming pool in need of structural repair and waterproofing.
This pool was built in the early 1980’s and about a year ago it started to leak. A few companies were called in to diagnose the problem, but couldn’t see anything. Later on, it started to leak more and the problem became apparent. A large vertical crack appeared in the deep end of the pool and the water could be seen leaking out. Unusually, a builder looked at the problem and advised that the clients should install a reinforced liner, as doing repairs to the concrete would not be successful. What usually happens is that the builder does his best to try to fix it, then we get called in afterwards when the repair fails again.
After the pool was emptied, it became evident that the structure was in much worse condition than previously thought. We found a corresponding crack in the shallow end and another crack in the adjacent wall. After talking to the clients more, they came to the realisation that the pool must have cracked after a 4.2 scale earthquake in the area, but they can’t be a 100% sure, as they don’t remember the exact time the pool started leaking.
The installation of the reinforced guarantees that the pool will not leak in the future. The result also looks stunning! The Renolit Persia Sand from the AlkorPlan 3000 range, combined with the plain sand colour steps perfectly complements the surroundings.
Another happy client!

Swimming Pool Reform, Benalmadena

Leaking pool structure repair, Benalmadena

Reinforced swimming pool liner

Pool renovation, Benalmadena

Renolit AlkorPlan Persia Sand

Swimming Pool Leak Repairs

Renolit AlkorPlan installers, Malaga

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