Swimming Pool Leak Repair and Refurb with Liner, Torrox, Malaga
Swimming Pool Leak Repair and Refurbishment with Reinforced Renolit AlkorPlan Liner, Torrox, Malaga
Installation of a reinforced #Renolit AlkorPlan 3000 Persia Blue liner for a lovely little pool in Torrox. The pool was suffering severe structural faults and leaking through cracks in the corners of the pool. When this kind of problem occurs, a Renolit AlkorPlan liner is the only guaranteed solution, with a product specifically made for pools. There are budget solutions to the problem, but none of these match the looks of the Renolit AlkorPlan range.

Swimming Pool Renovation, Torrox, Malaga

Swimming Pool Membrane Installation, Torrox, Malaga

Renolit AlkorPlan Pool Liners, Torrox, Malaga

Cracked Pool repair with liner, Torrox

Leaking Pool Repair, Torrox
Renolit AlkorPlan liners are specifically made for swimming pools, which is what sets them apart from other solutions.
Other solutions to structural pool leaks include polyester and polyurea. Polyester or fibreglass (FRP or GRP) is a composite of chopped fiber glass matt bound with a polyester resin and finished with gelcoat. This has limitations and we have had to line pools that have been fibre glassed. There are 3 main problems that manifest.
- The fibreglass is not very flexible. It can not cope with cracks very well.
- The fibreglass de-laminates from the substrate. If moisture gets behind, the fiber glass comes away from the surface below.
- Degrading of the gelcoat. Due to the resin being hand mixed, it is impossible for each small batch of resin to be equal, so they fade at different rates leaving the pool looking patchy. You may find that the pool water ends up looking milky, this is because of the gelcoat breaking down. The gelcoat sets very rapidly, so in our hot climate a contractor may use less hardener to slow the setting time, however gelcoat will never full cure if the correct ratio of hardener to gelcoat is not used.
- Application. The weather has to be perfect. No humidity or the resin will not stick properly, no wind as debris will stick to the gelcoat and not hot or it will set too fast to work with.
In addition, the finish of fibreglass is not particularly smooth, finish is like a painted pool.
Polyurea is a good solution, but needs maintenance. The top coat needs to be reapplied every couple of years. It is costly and also leaves the pool looking like a low budget painted pool.
Your swimming pool is the focal point of your home. If you need or want your pool looking fantastic (and / or leak free) for summer, contact us today to see what we can do for you!