Water line staining. Border for swimming pools
Water line staining. Border for swimming pools.
BorderChoice is the perfect solution for that unsightly water line, one of the biggest maintenance problems in your pool, whether it be a liner pool, fibreglass or tiles, or it can be fitted to just improve the looks of your pool. There’s a huge choice of pool borders available from our selection, or we can custom make one, with your business logo on etc…
Although chemical levels in your pool water can be easily controlled with the proper equipment, you can’t control the quality or quantity of sunscreens, cosmetics, heavy metals, or phosphates in the pool water, or contamination from the air, all of which result in dirt and stains, thus the unsightly water line.
Our solution makes this problem go away.
This new product completely covers the pool border, giving you a clean new border area, hiding the stain. It is a unique DIY install solution. The installation only takes a few hours and will give your pool a whole new lease of life and a much improved look.
Can be installed on existing liner pools, fiberglass, polyester, prefabricated pools, renovation pool projects, and new pool construction

Removing staining from pool border
Eliminates unsightly water line around the perimeter of the pool caused by suntan lotions and skin oils

Border for swimming pools
To order your Do It Yourself swimming pool border, visit our webpage for more information and ordering details.