Total pool refurb and leak repair, Benalmadena, Costa del Sol
Total pool refurb and leak repair, Benalmadena, Costa del Sol
We see a ot of pools that have had shoddy repairs done to them but this has to be one of the biggest messes that we have seen.
A video of the installation and below an explanation of the works.
There were several problems with the pool. The original pool was built in the 70’s but developed a structural leak. 15 years ago, a company built a new structure inside the old one, which is why the pool has a stepped effect, as the newer structure is higher than the original one.
The pump room for the pool is in a basement at the far side of the house, so all the pipe work for the pool runs through the garden, then under parts of the house. This was another source of problems. It also made cleaning the pool difficult as the pump was a 200m round trip to and from the pool.
The pool cover does not work and could not be made to work, as the pit was the wrong shape, upsetting the axle of the poiol cover.
This swimming pool is very deep, as is common with old swimming pools. It is 2.8m deep in the deep end.
To provide the owner with a trouble free, simple and cost effective solution, we took the following action.
- Eliminate the pool cover pit
- Install 2 new skimmers
- Installation of jets in the floor of the pool, to help cleaning the very deep floor
- New pump and filter installed at the side of the pool, easing maintenance and eliminating the possibilty of underground leaks.
- Installtion of a Renolit AlkorPlan reinforced membrane to renovate and seal the pool structure.
The Renolit AlkorPlan reinforced liner is both the cosmetic finish of the pool and the waterproofing. The resukts look great and the swimming pool is guaranteed to be leak free.

Pool Refurb, Benalmadena

Leaking pool renovation, Benalmadena

Leaking pool reform, Benalmadena

Pool repair, Benalmadena

Renolit AlkorPlan, Benalmadena

Swimming pool repairs, Benalmadena