Fibreglass swimming pool renovation, Riviera, Mijas, Malaga
Fibreglass swimming pool renovation, Riviera, Mijas, Malaga
A small but <now> beautifully formed swimming pool. This roof top pool is prefabricated from fibreglass and had been painted, the paint was flaking and it looked terrible.
Solutions for restoration or renovation of roof top pools are few. A few weeks ago, we had to rectify a rooftop fibreglass pool that had been tiled, as the tiles won’t stick to the flexible fibreglass. New gelcoat can be applied, but it often flakes and looks like paint and it also fades quickly because it is hand mixed. Paint doesn’t stick to the fibreglass either, so for a beautiful pool, a Renolit AlkorPlan lining is the only solution.
We quickly renovated it to bring it up to the same quality as the rest of the penthouse. We used the excellent Renolit AlkorPlan Persia Blue reinforced membrane, giving this pool a new look.
This project took 13 hours start to finish.

Penthouse fibreglass plunge pool being restored

Atico swimming pool on terrace newly renovated and repaired

Penthouse Fibreglass pool repairs, Riviera, Costa del Sol

Flaking fibre glass pool

Installation of liner in fibre glass swimming pool

Renovated roof top plunge pool, Marbella