Repairing a crack using traditional methods is rarely successful, as all the forces that acted to cause the crack are still all there unless the structure is underpinned or supported with piles. If the concrete was so poor that it cracked, it is likely it will crack somewhere else. Flexible products, such as silicone etc do not have a long life as they start to rot. We know because we have hundreds of pictures showing failed repairs.
This pool has been leaking for a long time and has significant structural cracks, both in the walls and along the floor. Several previous attempts at repair had been made, but not worked. This type of problem creates stress for the clients, huge expense (when all the previous repair bills are added up, plus the cost of water). A leaking pool never looks clean, as if fresh water is constantly added, the chemicals are never balanced.
Installation of new touch liner
This was another installation of a fantastic touch liner. The mid gray stone colour gives a beautiful deep blue water colour. Once again, this was a European first, this liner was fitted before it was even on sale, it will be featured in the new catalogue.
If your pool is leaking from the structure, fix it properly, once. Renolit, “rely on it”.