Fibreglassed cracked leaking pool renovated with reinforced liner, Mijas
Fibreglassed cracked leaking pool renovated with reinforced liner, Mijas, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Spain
This very old pool was cracked and leaking, about 12 years ago it was sealed using fibreglass matting and polyester resin. Like most fibreglass over tile repairs, the gelcoat layer breaks down and the pool starts to look very scruffy.
As the fiberglass is hand applied, the finish looks similar to a pool that has been painted. The gelcoat also becomes patchy, as it is hand mixed, so each batch will have a slightly different consistency, causing it to degrade at different rates over time. This is particularly evident in pools that have been finished in blue.
The owners wanted the pool to look its best for the coming season and made the wise decision to renovate the swimming pool using Renolit AlkorPlan 3000 Persia Blue.
The first part of the process is to install the new fittings inside the pool. Lights, jets, skimmers and drains all need to be made compatible with the liner system.
Once these fittings are installed, we can then start to install the reinforced pool membrane. The AlkorPlan liner is supplied on rolls, then cut and welded onsite to suit the size and shape of the swimming pool.
The steps in the pool are of a non-slip material.

Fibreglass pool repairs

Pool liner, fibreglass pool

Pool liner installers

Renolit Malaga

Lining leaking swimming pool

Swimming pool repair Mijas

Fiberglass pool repairs and renovation

Refurbishment fibreglass swimming pool

Pool refurbishment, Spain

Polyester pool repair