Earthquake damaged cracked and leaking pool repair, Mojacar
Earthquake damaged cracked and leaking pool repair, Mojacar Playa, Almeria
Southern Spain is subjected to hundreds of tremors every year, most are unfelt, as they are not very powerful, but occasionally there are earthquakes that are over 4 on the Richter scale. These types of earthquakes can damaged swimming pools that were weak in the first place.
This swimming pool was built from a structure made using breeze blocks, high up from street level. The inside of the pool structure had been sprayed with only about 10cm of gunite concrete, not really enough to support the weight of the water. It would probably have failed at some point anyway. After the 4.5 earthquake and the shake from it, the pool cracked.
The water was running out of the swimming pools structure into the pump room. In this case a leak detection was not necessary, as it was obvious where the water was coming from.
The only guaranteed solution here was to install a Renolit AlkorPlan reinforced membrane. The PVC membrane is reinforced with polyester fibres and remains permanently flexible and will not rip or tear. The reinforced swimming pool liner is both the waterproofing and the cosmetic finish for the swimming pool.
The RENOLIT AlkorPlan system is guaranteed leak free for 10 years.
This swimming pool renovation took our highly skilled team 21 hours from start to finish.
If your swimming pool is leaking, the tiles are falling off, or you just need to replace the liner in your pool, then contact us today for a no obligation quote and see what we can do for you. We install swimming pool liners for all types of domestic pools throughout Southern Spain and Southern Portugal. Commercial and urbanisation swimming pools, throughout Iberian Peninsula. Remember the best time to renovate your pool, is when you are not using it, not a few weeks before the guests come.

Liner installation, Mojacar

Pool Liner installers, Almeria

Pool Renovation, Almeria

Renolit Almeria

Spanish swimming pool liner company

Renolit AlkorPlan

Reinforced swimming pool liner

Earthquake damaged pool repairs, Mojacar

Cracked pool repairs, Mojacar

Cracked pool repair, Almeria

Pool refurbishment, Mojacar

Pool renovation, Mojacar

Swimming pool leak repair

Pool repairs, Almeria

Renolit Persia Blue

Mojacar swimming pool

Leaking swimming pool structure

Renolit reinforced pool membrane

Pool liner suppliers

Pool liner manufacturers

Installation of a pool liner

Leaking pool

Renolit membranes

Repairing structural pool leaks