Renolit TOUCH Sublime reinforced liner installation, Gaucin, Malaga
Renolit TOUCH Sublime reinforced liner installation, Gaucin, Malaga
A beautiful swimming pool that perfectly fits in with its surroundings, looking natural and inviting. The water is a stunning turquiose blue.
Renolit AlkorPlan TOUCH range of reinforced pool membranes are designed to give a luxurious natural stone look and feel. The texture of the membrane is because of its thickness and the the 3D effect.
This swimming pool in Gaucin, was cracked and leaking. The owners needed a permanent solution, but also wanted a unique pool. The RENOLIT range of reinforced pool membranes is perfect for this, as the membrane is both the waterproofing and the cosmetic finish.
The project took around 5 days, a day to prepare the walls, as there were some very uneven parts, then another day to install the new skimmers, drain, jets and lights, then 3 days to install the membrane.
The cracks in the pool structure need no other treatment than to make them smooth. In the photos you can see the water coming back into the pool through the cracks.
If you have a cracked swimming pool that looses water, try to repair it sooner than later. The longer it is left, the worse the problem becomes. As the water leaks out, it can start to wash out the earth under the pool, making the problem worse. The leaking water can also corrode the steel in the structure, making the problem worse.
Contact us today for a no obligation quote. Bare in mind that the best time to repair a swimming pool is in winter, when you are not using it, not a few weeks before the visitors come.
We work throughout mainland Spain and Portugal

Leaking pool repair, Gaucin

Natural pool finish, Gaucin. Renolit AlkorPlan TOUCH Sublime

Cracked pool structure repair, Gaucin

Stone effect pool membrane, Gaucin, Malaga

Cracked swimming pool renovation, Gaucin, Malaga

Swimming pool renovation, Gaucin, Malaga

Swimming pool liner installers

Installing a pool liner, in a cracked, leaking pool, Malaga, Spain

Pool repairs, Gaucin, Malaga

New liner jet and top profile

Liner compatible skimmer and profile, ready for liner installation


Renolit pool membrane