Swimming pool renovation work, cracked leaking pool, Cartama

After not being used for several years, this swimming pool needed a total renovation. The tiles were all falling off the pool, the structure was cracked and had tipped slightly and generally, looked disastrous.

These types of project don’t scare us though! In this case, the owner has prepared the pool ready for the installation. He removed the tiles (normally this doesn’t need doing, but in this case they were not well stuck), he rendered the cracked areas to be smooth and installed new prefabricated capping stones to level the pool.

Our first job is to install the correct fittings for the Renolit AlkorPlan reinforced pool liner. These are special fittings with rubber gaskets and stainless steel screws. The top profile goes up and the pool is ready.

The Renolit AlkorPlan 3000 Persia Blue was used here. It looks great and the carefully designed pattern disguises flaws and imperfections in the structure. The best part is that the pool structure is guaranteed not to leak!

Swimming pool reform, Cartama

Swimming pool reform, Cartama

Reinforced swimming pool liner, Cartama

Reinforced swimming pool liner, Cartama. Renolit Persia Blue

Swimming Pool Refurbishment, Cartama

Swimming Pool Refurbishment, Cartama

Pool Liner installation, Cartama

Pool Liner installation, Cartama. Renolit Persia Blue

Cracked pool repair, Cartama

Cracked pool repair, Cartama

Swimming Pool repair, Cartama

Swimming Pool repair, Cartama

Leaking swimming pool repairs

Leaking swimming pool repairs

Repairing cracked swimming pool, Cartama

Repairing cracked swimming pool, Cartama

Total pool renovations

Total pool renovations

If you are planning on carrying out works on your pool, then contact us today for more information and then works can be planned for the off season when you are not using the pool. Although installations are fast, there can be unexpected delays, such as rain, sickness, so leaving installations to the last minute can cause problems.