A cracked pool structure is the homeowners worst nightmare, but with our system the pool structure will be guaranteed leak free for 10 years!

This pool in Mojacar, Almeria, was a typical DIY build by the previous owner of the house, although it looked nice, the pool structure was leaking through cracks in the floor and wall. The cracks were caused because the pool was not built from materials of sufficient strength. The pool has been built from concrete blocks and the waterproof rendered and tiled.

The owner of this swimming pool had spent a lot of money in the past on unsuccessful and some unneeded repairs. It is not just the cost of repairs to consider, there is added cost of the water by refilling or topping up the pool and the extra chlorine etc needed. He decided that after the Summer, in the autumn months he would repair it once, properly.

We have installed an AlkorPlan liner to both renovate and waterproof the swimming pools structure. In addition, for peace of mind, the plumbing has all been changed. Although the pipes were not leaking, the client felt that after 15 years it was preventative maintenance, especially considering the way that the ground can move here.

If your swimming pool has serious problems, contact us today to discuss the options. The best time of year to repair the pool is in the off season after Summer, this avoids disappointment and extra cost by scheduling pool repairs for a week before family or visitors are coming!

The reinforced pool membrane from Renolit is so strong and thick that it can be installed over imperfect surfaces such as tiles or painted pools, with the guarantee of water proofing from a multinational company.

“…. may I thank you for you and your installation team for the excellent and professional service.

The pool is now better than its ever been.
Best regards
Jim Chxxxxxs” 

Here we have a time lapse video showing the installation –

There are many more videos showing the renovation and installation of swimming pool liners in our videos section.