This lovely swimming pool, in Casabermeja, Malaga, displays all of the typical problems of poorly built swimming pool and poorly executed repairs. The swimming pool has been constructed using a double wall of 10cm wide blocks, with a small cavity between, this cavity has been filled with concrete and 4mm steel mesh. The base of the pool is concrete, with 4mm mesh and only around 100mm thick.

Clearly the structure is not of sufficient strength to support the weight of water. A structure like this may be ok for an outbuilding or similar, but can’t cope with the forces of the weight of water. In comparison, a well built concrete pool would typically have a base and walls of 200mm reinforced, vibrated concrete with 10mm steel reinforcing at 200mm intervals (and still may crack).

Frankly, we were surprised that it was even possible to fill this pool with the amount of problems it had. In addition to the many unsuccessful attempts at crack repair, it was suspected (by a previous contractor) that the jet pipe was leaking and a bypass had been installed, but the pool continued to leak. To remove any chance of future problems, we installed a new jet pipe.

Another swimming pool, leak free!

Finished Persia Blue Liner 3 2 1

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Cracked Pool, Casabermeja, Malaga

Repairing a cracked swimming pool

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Persia Blue Reinforced liner

Persia Blue liner, by
